Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine - New 2009 Model V3 Review

Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine - New 2009 Model V3This is a beautiful machine! I started learning about brewing espresso at home with a Gaggia Coffee.I've since stepped up to the Silvia and I wish I had bought it right away. The espresso I produce with it is far superior, never sour or bitter if I use the right amount and tamp it properly, and I can make microfoam. I also appreciate its heaviness, good looks, quiet operation and metal steam wand.

Many say - and it bears repeating - that you will only get the results you are looking for at home if you invest in a burr grinder of at least Rancilio Rocky or Gaggia MDF quality, grind right before brewing and use beans roasted within weeks, not months! I have had disappointing results with other grinders and all preground espresso including expensive Illy, etc.

Shop around and be sure to get free shipping, because this thing weighs a ton. I have seen good package deals where you can get the Silvia and Rocky together; with no tax and free shipping plus some free goodies such as a stainless steel tamper, you will be in business and might have some cash left over for the beans. Of course the instruction booklet is nearly worthless, but you can find some great videos on YouTube to show you what to do with all that stuff once you get it home.

If you have better things to spend your money on, like mortgage and groceries, or if you aren't too picky, look elsewhere; maybe try a stovetop moka pot. If you think you will be making espresso for years to come get this machine, a good grinder and a water filter, and some freshly roasted beans from Intelligentsia; then you will want a collection of little cups for serving your creations, and your friends might begin to think you are an insufferable coffee snob... and at that point, you will be. Trust me, your buddies most likely do not want to hear about your machine's brass portafilter and temperature stability.

This is NOT a cheap hobby. Maybe you should consider supporting your local coffee shop instead! As for me, I'm in too deep. Let me know if someone starts a twelve step program for espresso addicts. Enjoy!

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Product Description:
This is the very latest edition of the widely popular Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine. It still has the powerful brass boiler and durable pump that have made the Silvia stand head and shoulders above the competition. New enhancement and upgrades for the Rancilio Silvia V3 include: a commercial grade, fully articulating steam wand with 1-hole tip for improved milk frothing, a new ergonomic grip for the steam wand to make it easier to open and close, a new ergonomic handle for the already heavy-duty porta-filter. 1 Year Warranty.

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